Services Offered
First Massage Session
The initial massage therapy session, following veterinary consent, includes a full consultation and medical history, gait and postural analysis, followed by approximately 30-50 minutes of clinical massage.
Relaxation Massage
Dogs, like humans, experience stresses of different kinds ranging from the physical to the emotional. When a dog is stressed, his body will show tension, but the original stress itself is in the brain. The purpose of the relaxation routine is to relax the animal and relieve stress in a quick and efficient way. The relaxation massage routine concentrates on the nervous system only, using mostly pure nervous reflex massage moves over the spinal column from the neck, the back, the sacrum and the tail to elicit a parasympathetic nervous response.
Maintenance Massage
This routine is intended to keep the muscular and skeletal structure fit, to assist circulation of body fluids and to remove toxins. The maintenance massage routine also allows the practitioner to evaluate and massage all muscle conditions (tension, knots, stress points and trigger points) and to detect any other abnormal symptoms.
Shiatsu Massage
Part of Oriental Medicine that shares its philosophy with acupuncture. Hands on treatment using strokes along the meridians. Ki (pronounced Kee) is the Japanese term for the body’s essential life force energy. Known as Chi or Qi in Chinese. Shiatsu balances the Ki energy of the dog.
Sports Massage
Dogs that are working hard need special attention to their health and wellbeing. Massage can help an athletic dog recover faster and perform better. Massage helps to increase circulation, reduce muscle spasm, relieve tension, increase muscle tone, and increase range of motion.
TMJ Massage - 15 minutes
TMJ dysfunction affects the temporomandibular joint of the dog. By using massage on the muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joint, we can lessen pain and ease TMJ symptoms.
Gua Sha - 15 minutes
Gua Sha is a healing technique that is commonly used in Chinese Medicine. This technique has been used on people to break up micro-adhesions in the fascia for a long time. Animals can benefit from it as well. Works well in eliminating scar tissue formation after injury or surgery